Regulations Management in Hazardous Areas
According to the WA Health and Safety at Work Act 2020, employers and plant owners are obligated to provide safe working conditions, such as.
- Hazardous areas are correctly identified and documented as per AS/NZS 60079.10;
- Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Areas (EEHA) is correctly installed, tested, inspected and maintained to IEC/AS/NZS 60079.14 and 17; and
- Persons employed to action in hazardous area work are competent.
If you are a person responsible for safety of electrical equipment in Hazardous Area (EEHA) at your site, here are the steps to ensure safety and achieve regulatory compliance:
1. Hazardous Area Classification (HAC):
Hazardous areas are classified to enable the proper selection of equipment, assemblies, systems and installations for safe operation in explosive atmospheres.
A competent individual must first conduct a HAC study to determine the locations where explosive atmospheres are most likely to persist constantly, either during expected normal operation or during abnormal operation.
Any location that handles, produces, stores, or otherwise processes flammable liquids, flammable gases, or combustible dusts must have a HAC.
The HAC report might suggest taking some actions to declassify specific areas of the site. This is a fully genuine result from a HAC study that was conducted correctly. The goal of PMV is to identify doable actions that our clients can do to lessen or get rid of their hazardous regions.
HAC report details the classification methodology and justification for the zones, and it extend, which are marked on the site layout plan and elevation the zones.
2. Selection, erection, and inspection of Electrical Equipment in Hazardous Area (EEHA) :
Any electrical equipment to be installed in the classified HA, shall be certified Zone or EPL, Equipment Group, and Temperature Class set out in the HAC.
A designer qualified to work on hazardous area installations must complete the equipment selection and installation design.
A qualified installer who is experienced with installing Ex equipment must install the device.
Ex equipment must undergo an initial inspection at a detailed grade in accordance with AS/NZS 60079.14 by a qualified inspector before being put into service.
AS/NZS 60079.14 contains the competency requirements. The independence of the designer, installer, and inspector is not required by AS/NZS 60079.14, and they can all be the same individual.
3. Verification Dossier:
AS/NZS 60079.14:2017 Clause 4.2 stipulates the requirements for documents confirming the compliance of electrical equipment and installations.
It is a requirement that all sites comply and maintain a dossier containing all information relating to their hazardous areas and the equipment installed in them. The HA classification and details of the selected electrical equipment and installation need to be recorded in a Hazardous Area Verification Dossier (HAVD).
HAVD needs to be updated over the life of the installation, it may be stored on site. HAVD is made available to all person who may need it for inspections, maintenance, or repair. Any changes to the HAC or installation need to be updated in HAVD.
4. Maintenance and periodic inspections:
All fixed electrical equipment must undergo periodic inspection by a qualified person at least every four years as part of the equipment’s maintenance in accordance with AS/NZS 60079.17. Portable equipment requires annual inspection.
According to AS/NZS 60079.14, a regulatory inspection or audit may be necessary in some jurisdictions in addition to the original inspection. Someone independent who was not engaged in the design or installation must finish this.
For Victoria, installation of equipment which operates at LV or above in a hazardous area is prescribed work and must be inspected by a Class “H” licenced electrical inspector.
For Queensland, any installation of electrical equipment in a hazardous area must be inspected by a hazardous area installation auditor appointed by the Electrical Safety Office.
For Tasmania, any installation of electrical equipment in a hazardous area must be notified to the appointed Electrical Safety Inspection Service on behalf of the Department of Justice.
PMV Engineering can assist you with all these steps, to ensure a safe and compliant installation.